Our 2024 adventure so far...



"Nel corso della mia vita, sono stato incredibilmente fortunato ad avere una curiosità insaziabile per tutto ciò che il mondo ha da offrire. Crescendo nei boschi dell'Illinois, ho trascorso gran parte del mio tempo in campeggio, escursioni ed esplorando la natura. Ma i miei interessi si estendono ben oltre i grandi spazi aperti. Sono sempre stato un lettore avido, affascinato da argomenti come la storia,
geografia e scienza. La mia passione per l'apprendimento si estende a un profondo interesse per il modo in cui i nostri corpi
interagire con ciò che ingeriamo e assorbiamo. Mentre mi addentravo sempre di più nello studio dell'erboristeria e dell'etnobotanica, ho incontrato e imparato da erboristi di vari paesi e continenti, e ho trascorso del tempo viaggiando, facendo escursioni e imparando l'uso tradizionale e indigeno delle piante. Attraverso questo viaggio, sono giunto a credere che sia nostra responsabilità prendere decisioni informate su ciò che mettiamo nel nostro corpo e su come ci prendiamo cura di noi stessi. Sono sempre desideroso di imparare e sentire nuove prospettive, idee e modi di curare il corpo. Mi considero uno studente per tutta la vita e credo che chiunque abbia il potenziale per insegnarmi qualcosa di nuovo. Ho capito che prendermi cura di me stesso è essenziale per ottenere risultati migliori in tutti gli aspetti della mia vita, che si tratti di giocare a paintball o di proseguire i miei studi."



"Ho avuto la mia giusta dose di caldo torrido dell'Arizona crescendo, ma questo non mi ha impedito di scatenare la mia creatività all'aria aperta. Armato di legname di scarto e di uno spirito determinato, ho intrapreso una missione per costruire ogni sorta di fantastiche creazioni nel nostro cortile desertico. Ehi, chi ha bisogno di un prato verde quando puoi avere un parco giochi pieno di avventure? Mentre gli altri bambini erano impegnati con i soliti giocattoli, io chiedevo buoni regalo per negozi di bricolage e kit di chimica. Si può tranquillamente dire che ero l'eccentrico residente del quartiere! Ho avuto l'opportunità di diventare un ambasciatore junior dello zoo alle elementari ed è lì che il mio amore per gli animali e la fauna selvatica ha iniziato a crescere. E sapete cosa? Non è passato molto tempo prima che decidessi di diventare vegetariano. Mentre imparavo di più su come i nostri consumi e sprechi influenzano il pianeta, ho iniziato a prendere decisioni consapevoli, non solo per me, ma anche per la mia famiglia! Dopotutto, siamo tutti sulla stessa barca. Dopo il college, dove ho conseguito la mia laurea in cucina, ho iniziato a viaggiare molto per lavoro. Scoprire nuovi siti, sapori e culture mi ha tenuta agganciata! Ero sempre entusiasta di scoprire cosa il mondo aveva in serbo e come potevo condividerlo con gli altri. È stata una vera rivelazione per i miei amici e la mia famiglia quando mi hanno vista cucinare pasti a base vegetale che erano tutto tranne che le solite insalate e piatti a base di tofu. Non riuscivano a credere a come riuscissi a rimanere soddisfatta senza annoiarmi, ma non sapevano molto dell'incredibile varietà di piante ed erbe che il mondo ha da offrire. Non si tratta solo del gusto: queste meraviglie fanno miracoli per il corpo e la mente! Ancora una volta, mi aspettava una nuova avventura mentre mi immergevo nel mondo delle piante ed esploravo modi per supportare il movimento del benessere. Personalmente, penso che il benessere inizi da dentro, da ciò che consumi. Ma riguarda anche ciò di cui riempi la tua vita. Quindi, quando qualcosa è realizzato con amore, è come carburante per la tua anima!"

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your shop?

We will establish a fresh food market featuring artisan sandwiches, salads, wraps, and more, all crafted by our French-trained chef. As a business that is partially indigenous-owned, our goal is to also bring modern indigenous cuisine to the area. Food has a unique way of uniting people. It not only nourishes our bodies but also nurtures our spirits. When we cook, we infuse every dish with love. We incorporate prayers, positive thoughts, and heartfelt emotions into everything we create. Additionally, we will offer a selection of fresh artisan breads and pastries. Our market will emphasize local sustainable farming, seasonal availability, and wholesome ingredients free from unnecessary preservatives. Our goal is to expand into a small grocery store that provides seasonal local produce, along with local honey, meats, poultry, and sustainable home goods.

Furthermore, we will introduce our Farmacy, a wellness herb section for those looking to explore or enhance their holistic journey with plants. A wide variety of wellness herbs will be available in their raw form, or can be ordered as capsules, teas, or tinctures in some cases. We will also extend and feature a range of hand-blended loose leaf herbal teas that have become our signature at events.

Having traveled extensively, we understand how vital it is to have access to amenities that cater to dietary, health, and other lifestyle choices. This often influenced our travel decisions. Small communities, especially those in rural areas or facing food deserts, frequently have limited options. We believe that smaller communities deserve the same access, and although our area may not support the market size needed by larger chains, we recognize that the demand exists. We aspire to see the community flourish, and we want to play a part in that growth.

When are you opening?

We will open our doors as soon as we are confident in our ability to consistently provide the personable experience we are known for. For the past two years, we have engaged in local events, including the Farmers Market, and have hosted numerous gatherings at our shop. This has allowed us to test the market and develop a strategy that will ensure our success in a small area with significant potential. Although we initially hoped to open sooner, we have recognized that taking our time to explore, learn, and make adjustments is the wiser path.

We are simply two new parents eager to revive the essence of traditional mom-and-pop shops, which means we are balancing both home life and work responsibilities.

We are truly grateful for the patience and support of our wonderful customers, who have also become our friends.

Continue to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to updates, upcoming events, and a Grand Opening announcement!

What is a Farmacy?

FARMacy is a clever twist on the word Pharmacy. Typically, a pharmacy is associated with the distribution and sale of medical drugs. In contrast, our FARMacy presents a plant-based alternative. We provide an extensive selection of raw plants sourced from six continents, each with a single origin. This caters to those eager to explore or enhance their interest in wellness herbs.

Will you supply local goods?

Absolutely! We have partnered with local farms to provide fresh produce, grains, meats, and poultry. Our commitment lies in revitalizing small local communities, and one of the ways we achieve this is by supporting local farmers, artisans, and businesses whenever we can. Additionally, our packaging is sourced locally from Illinois!

For ingredients or products that are not sourced locally, we carefully vet them to ensure they meet our quality standards.

Are you local?

Absolutely, we are local! Christopher's family has called the Watseka area home for over 150 years, and Angelina has been a resident since late 2022. We chose to start our family in Watseka, and instead of relocating to a place with more amenities, we decided to contribute to the community's development, ensuring that our family, and yours, can thrive and flourish here.

Why Watseka?

Christopher's family has been a part of the Watseka community for over 150 years, witnessing its continuous transformation. As major industries began to relocate and small businesses started shutting down, the town faced a decline. However, in recent years, we have observed a revitalization in the area, marked by new industries like Polysacks occupying the former UARCO building, alongside a growing number of local businesses opening in the downtown region.

We want to do our part to further the growth of Watseka. We chose to start our family in Watseka, and instead of relocating to a place with more amenities, we decided to contribute to the community's development, ensuring that our family, and yours, can thrive and flourish here.

Why does local matter?

When you envision a vibrant small community, what comes to mind? You might picture a local grocery store, a quaint flower shop, a hardware store, and numerous places of worship. Others may imagine a family-run optometry practice, parks, coffee shops, and cozy cafes. Regardless of how you visualize a small town, it's likely that major big-box retailers are not part of that image.

Small towns that manage to keep local money circulating among local businesses tend to thrive more than those that rely on larger chain stores. Shopping at these big chains often leads to a decline in community character, a reduction in economic circulation within the town, and fewer jobs directly tied to the local economy. Profits from chain stores usually flow out to corporate headquarters, effectively siphoning money away from the local economy and leaving behind a homogenized retail environment.

We aspire to be part of the positive transformation happening in our community. As political tensions escalate across the nation, small towns like Watseka must unite to support local businesses and foster the positive changes they wish to see within their communities.

How can I help?

You can support us by connecting with us on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, leaving a review, liking, and sharing our posts can make a difference. We also encourage you to attend our events and, most importantly, spread the word through word of mouth. We truly appreciate the support we've received so far, but there's always room for more to help keep our dream alive.