Welcome to our community!

Welcome to our community!

Hey there!
Maybe you discovered us by happy accident online or perhaps you have seen us at a local farmers market or event. Either way, we are happy you stumbled onto our page! Whether you're here because of our unique wellness teas and herbs, or our delicious garden snacks and spice blends, we want to be able to share more in-depth information, recipes, and DIYs with you to digest and apply to your lifestyle. We don't think we hold all of the answers, which is what makes life so great! Each day is a new opportunity to grow and learn! When we do so constructively as a community we are closer to a brighter & greener tomorrow.
Please approach everything with an open mind and feel free to explore the information provided. Take the time to conduct your own research and decide on your next steps. We would love to hear from you in the comments and learn about where you are in your journey!
With Kindness,
Christopher & Angelina
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