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Sugar Creek Trading Company

Amor Seco Powder

Amor Seco Powder

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
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Main actions: Anti-asthmatic, antispasmodic, bronchodilator, muscle relaxer,
cellular protector
Main uses: for asthma and allergies; for respiratory problems (bronchitis,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], emphysema, excessive
phlegm/mucous; as a general antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, and pain-
reliever for colic, stomach and bowel cramping, arthritis, muscle/join aches,
pain, injuries and spasms, menstrual pain and cramping; as a liver protector
and tonic for liver disorders, fatty liver, and liver pain; as a cellular protector
and adjunctive therapy used with chemotherapy.
Cautions: Do not take in high doses. (25+g per 24 hour period)

Today, tribes in the Amazon rainforest use amor seco medicinally much as they have for centuries. A tea of the plant is given for nervousness, and it is used in baths to treat vaginal infections. Some tribes believe the plant has magic powers, and it is taken by lovers to rekindle a waning romance. Rio Pastaza natives in the Amazon brew a leaf tea and wash the breasts of mothers with it to promote milk flow. Additional indigenous tribal uses include a leaf decoction for consumption, an application of pounded leaves and lime juice for wounds, and a leaf infusion for convulsions and venereal sores. A survey, in which more than 8,000 natives in various parts of Brazil were interviewed, showed that a decoction of the dried roots of amor seco is a popular tribal remedy for malaria. The indigenous Garifuna tribe in Nicaragua uses a leaf decoction of amor seco internally for diarrhea and venereal disease and to aid digestion.

Amor seco is also quite popular in herbal medicine throughout South and Central America. In Peruvian herbal medicine today, a leaf tea is used as a blood cleanser; to detoxify the body from environmental toxins and chemicals; as a urinary tract cleanser; and to treat ovarian and uterine problems such as inflammation and irritation, vaginal discharges, and hemorrhages. In Belize (where the plant is called "strong back"), the entire plant is soaked in rum for 24 hours, and then 1/4 cup is taken three times daily for seven to ten days for backaches. Alternatively, an entire plant is boiled in 3 cups of water for 10 minutes, and 1 cup of warm tea is taken before meals for three to five days for relief of backache, muscle pains, kidney ailments, and impotence. In Brazilian herbal medicine, the dried leaves are used for the treatment of asthma, vaginal discharge, body aches and pains, ovarian inflammation, excessive urination, excessive mucus, and diarrhea. In Ghana, a leaf decoction is a popular remedy for bronchial asthma, constipation, dysentery, and colic, and is also used to dress wounds.

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